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March Match of the Month: Ramona and Laura

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

Meet Laura (Big Sister) and Ramona (Little Sister). They have been matched with Big Brothers Big Sisters since July of 2014, but their relationship started before that!

Laura works at Saubic and became part of their mentoring program with the local elementary school. Each week Laura would visit Ramona at school and have lunch with her and learn everything about one another. The year ended and they wanted to continue seeing each other, so Laura and Ramona enrolled in our Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Based program. During their time together the two would go to movies, out to eat, work on homework, and strengthen their relationship by learning about the Puerto Rico culture. With the uncertain times, Laura makes sure to call, text, and FaceTime Ramona and even schedules her grocery pick-ups on days her Little works to see her!

Throughout their time together, Laura has taught Ramona about her Puerto Rico heritage with her being from Puerto Rico too. How cool is that? Ramona has been immersed in stories, talked with Laura’s parents and cousins when they visit, celebrated Puerto Rico holidays, and so much more.

Ramona said that “having a Big like Laura has taught her so much about her heritage because she can ask Laura anything and she tells her. It’s like unlocking things I didn’t know before and makes me better understand where I come from.”

Ramona’s hope is after graduating high school that her and Laura could take a trip to Puerto Rico so she can see everything and Laura can take her to places they have talked about.

Laura stated being part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program is one of the most beautiful and enriching experiences she’s been part of. Laura stated from meeting this shy girl nearly 8 years ago she has developed into a strong, beautiful, and confident young lady. Their relationship is more than just a Big Sister and Little Sister relationship, it is more like a sisterhood according to the two.

Laura encourages anyone thinking about being a MENTOR to just “GO FOR IT!” The relationships that are formed are rewarding for both the Big and Little in so many ways.

If you are interested in being a MENTOR like Laura and igniting the power and promise of a child in the Tri-State visit TODAY!

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