Chelsea (Big) and Jonathan (Little) have been matched since May of 2014. During there time together the two enjoy going out to eat, playing basketball, telling jokes, and just spending time with one another. During the course of their 6 years
together the two have worked on things from his academics to his behaviors in
school. Now in high school, when Jonathan is struggling with assignments or needs someone to talk to, he will call Big Sister Chelsea. Chelsea stated that she looks forward to Jonathan’s calls and is blown away his maturity and growth over the last year.
Over the last several months Jonathan has been focusing on entrepreneurship and starting his own Lawn care Business. Big Sister Chelsea has been fostering that passion by talking about a business plan and the things he might need to be successful. For Jonathan’s birthday she made his small dreams come true by purchasing a lawnmower to make his dreams a reality. Chelsea, along with her boyfriend, showed Jonathan how to service his lawnmower and how to reach out and build his cliental. Jonathan was eager to put his new mower to work and started mowing his yard. Johnathan plans on taking a trip up north to visit Chelsea and shadow her boyfriend at his lawn care business.
Jonathan is very passionate about Big Brothers Big Sisters and what the program had done for him. He stated that he would like to see more people get involved and interact with the youth. When asked what he enjoys most about his match with Chelsea, he stated: “that they can be goofy together and how much they have fun when they are on outings.” Jonathan also mentioned that having a Big like Chelsea is good because he knows he can count on her when he needs to talk or give him advice when he needs it.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor like Chelsea visit mentoringkids.org/volunteer.
