The Continuing Adventures of Leslie and Khiryn...
At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana, we offer match activities each month for Bigs and Littles. Sometimes, we’re able to partner with a local business. Sometimes, staff members host activities to share their own interests and passions. And some months, we can do both! This helps offset the costs associated with mentoring, and allows matches to explore new, creative ways to have fun that they might not otherwise have tried. And that’s a great way to keep match outings feeling fresh, fun, new and exciting!
Big Sister Leslie and Little Brother Khiryn
continue to be SUPERSTARS when it comes to trying everything the agency has to offer. Right before Memorial Day in May, Leslie and Khiryn showed up to support American troops by painting golf balls that are then donated. It turned out to be fun AND a great way to give back to those that serve our country.

In June, these two were selected to throw the first pitch at the Big Brothers Big Sisters Night at the Otter’s game. Leslie made sure to talk with Khiryn and his mom about what that meant, but right before the first pitch, Khiryn had second thoughts. He double checked with his Big Sister and made sure he knew exactly what to do. Even so. . . he got a teeny bit nervous when the time came and Big Sister Leslie took the lead. She showed him how it was done and aimed for the glove! But Khiryn, always competitive, did his best to outdo his Big Sis. He got his ball farther than she did and he was THRILLED when the crowd cheered for him! They got some cool pictures with Evan the Otter and took home 2 baseballs to commemorate the night!

Finally, Leslie and Khiryn were invited to play video games at a private event at High Score Player Two. Matches that participated in the BBBSSWI Photo Contest fundraiser got to spend 2 hours playing as much as possible and noshing on pizza, FOR FREE! Khiryn was so into the air hockey game that wore his Big Sister down! Then, he drafted our newest Case Manager, Grace Walker, into an hour’s worth of air hockey!
Big Sister Leslie and Little Brother Khiryn are making the most of their summer together and making the most of agency events. And best of all, they’re having a great time and making memories to last a lifetime.
Mentoring a child doesn’t have to be hard! And it doesn’t have to be expensive! Just go out, spend time with each other, and HAVE FUN TOGETHER!
Join us next month to find out what Leslie and Khiryn have been up to during their 5th month as a Big Brothers Big Sisters match! Join us for a month by month blog: Building a New Friendship with Leslie and Khiryn
If you are interested in becoming a Big Sister Like Leslie visit mentoringkids.org
Click here for Blog #3: Building a New Friendship, Month #3
