Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana is pleased to announce we have hired Sean Welcher as our Director of Enrollment and Recruitment.
Sean recently joined the staff in March 2022 as Director of Enrollment and Recruitment, and brings a lot of passion to his new role. His job duties will include recruiting, screening, and training mentors in addition to supporting our program efforts with community relationship building in targeted areas. He is from Evansville, Indiana. He started his college degree at Kansas Wesleyan and completed it at Southeastern University.
“I am excited to work for Big Brothers Big Sisters because it allows me to work with our city's youth and those who seek to make sure every kid has someone in their corner,” says Sean.
Sean can be described as truthful, reliable, and open-minded. Growing up Sean wanted to play football for the Green Bay Packers. His favorite kids’ movie is How To Train Your Dragon and he also loves Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. His favorite food is fried chicken and mac and cheese. He said his dog always makes him smile.
“Kids are important because they are full of belief and potential and, if guided well, can stand on the shoulders of those who go before them to do even greater things in the future,” says Sean. “Kids are also important because they can help you see the potential your experiences keep you from seeing.”
If you are interested in becoming a mentor visit mentoringkids.org