Heather Hicks, our Match Support Specialist, is originally from Indianapolis and attended Indiana University. She grew up wanting to be a corporate lawyer in Chicago. Heather said she is glad she grew out of her childhood dream, and now works for Big Brothers Big Sisters because she
“gets to help others have a great mentoring experience.”
To her, the children she helps are important because of their “honesty, potential, excitement, and wonder!” When she’s not helping children at work, on rainy days she loves reading to her kids, five dogs, and four cats.
Whether watching cat videos or her favorite movies Star Wars and Peter Pan, she spends her time reading. She rarely reads a book at a time and is currently diving into Little Women,The Hate U Give, and Financial Freedom. On Halloween you can find her cooking spooky foods like “mummy meatloaf” and “witch finger breadsticks” for her family’s Halloween party and reading spooky stories before carving pumpkins.
Heather defined herself as “passionate, open-minded,” and “nerdy.” Her passion and open-mindedness make her a wonderful worker at Big Brothers Big Sisters!
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Big, visit mentoringkids.org/volunteer.