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MATCH ACTIVITY: Burdette Park Trail

Writer's picture: BBBSSWIBBBSSWI

Big Sister Eula & Little Sister Jayla

Six matches joined Case Manager Heather H. and Marketing Coordinator Amanda R. on a socially distanced, VERY COLD, outdoor adventure. Matches worked as teams to complete an A-Z scavenger hunt on a 3 mile fitness walk and each match was rewarded with Starbucks gift cards for their participation. But the goodies didn't stop there! Each child took home a goodie bag filled with Holiday treats for themselves and for each sibling matched in the program. Finally, matches were able to grab shirts so they can proudly support the agency when they're out and about.

Despite the coldness of the day, we were able to celebrate Big Sister Eula and Little Sister Jayla's recent 9 year match anniversary! What a testament to the strength of their friendship and Eula's commitment to making the community she lives in a better place to grow up! Big Sister Denise announced on their arrival that Little Sister Jordynn chose to celebrate her 12th birthday with her Big Brother Big Sister family! Jordynn came decked out in an AMAZING princess crown! Big Brother Matt brought his amazingly well behaved dog and he and his Little Brother quickly took the lead on the walk. Big Sister Daryan and Little Brother Demarius thought they might freeze while having one of their deep conversations, but they made it through with flying colors. Big Sister McKenzie patiently encouraged her Little Sister Angel as she climbed, chatted, and yes, occasionally complained about the cold! But it's tough when your legs are 1/2 as long as everyone else's legs! Despite that, Angel was a trooper!

Throughout the pandemic, Big Brothers Big Sisters staff has been working hard behind the scenes to make sure matches have safe alternatives to meeting in person and safe activities to participate in if they choose to continue meeting face to face. If you're interested in being a Big, remember that we're here to support you every step of the way. Even when it means navigating a new match in the middle of a pandemic!

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, visit

Little Brother Detravion & Big Brother Matthew
Little Sister Jordynn & Big Sister Denise
Big Sister Amanda, Little Sister KemaReonna, and Arlo

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Office Hours:

Monday - Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wednesday - Friday: By appointment

Scheduling Appointments are Encouraged  

Visit Us At:

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana

320 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite C.

Evansville, IN 47713

Call Us At:

(812) 425-6076

Director of Enrollment & Recruitment: Heather, Ext. 1 

Child Enrollment Specialist: Kelsie, Ext. 2

Director of Programing: Khrista, Ext. 3

Match Support Specialist: Mikayla, Ext. 4

Match Support Specialist & Grant Writer: Grace, Ext. 5

Office Manager: Lorin, Ext. 6

Executive Director: Ryan, Ext. 8

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