Big Sister Cindy currently resides in Newburgh and works as a Human Services Social Worker for Youth First. Cindy has extensive knowledge and experience working with children of all ages and backgrounds and has devoted her professional life and personal life to helping children.
Cindy has been an active member with the agency since 2007. Cindy and her Little Sister Helena (Nikki) were originally matched in 2014 as a site-based match. Throughout the school year Nikki and Cindy had so much fun together that they decided to transition into a community-based match in May of 2015.
Cindy and Nikki enjoy many activities together throughout the year, however, every summer they plan a big trip! Last year, Cindy and Nikki made a trip to St. Louis to watch their favorite baseball team play. When they are not traveling to new places together, they enjoy going to Barnes and Noble and picking out new books to read!
Cindy stated that she feels blessed to have Nikki as a Little Sister. She said that her match with Nikki feels more like a friendship and sisterhood than a program. Cindy noted that it has been great watching Nikki blossom into a more self-confident young lady.
When asked about her match with Cindy, Nikki stated, "we have tried so many new things together and she encourages me to go out of my comfort zone."
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